rv table warning RSS

common rv mistakes, RV do nots, RV fail, RV mistakes, RV quick tip, Rv table repair, rv table warning, slide out damage, slide out scraping floor, what not to do in a RV -

A common problem with a table in a slide out is that it can cause big damage to your RV if you encounter this one mistake while repairing it. This video will go over a common problem I have seen in the past. Links For Full Moon Adventure Club Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fullmoonadv... Twitter https://twitter.com/fmadventureclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Fullmoonadve... Amazon Affiliate Link https://amzn.to/2YMmnQF Website https://fullmoonadventureclub.com Support Us On Patreon https://www.patreon.com/FullMoonAdven…

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