Frizzlife RV External Water Filter
You can find this water filter on Amazon here https://amzn.to/38EeZdu (My friend just said he received 50% with this link. I have no idea if that will last but good luck) I am not an affiliate for frizzlife but they do send me filters to review and I have to say I have always enjoyed the change in my water quality. They seem well made and my water tastes great. I suppose that is enough said really. I hope you enjoy the review. Links For Full Moon Adventure Club Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fullmoonadv... Twitter https://twitter.com/fmadventureclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Fullmoonadve... Amazon Affiliate Link https://amzn.to/2YMmnQF Website https://fullmoonadventureclub.com Support Us On Patreon https://www.patreon.com/FullMoonAdven…