How Long Will A Lithium Battery Run Your RV furnace? Cold Night Test
Let’s find out how long one battery will run your RV furnace. Different battery types and power draw can change your battery run time. In this video we will run just the RV heater to see how much power it consumes in 12 hours at 36 degrees. Enjoy Here are some links that will save you money on some great lithium batteries. 10% off 170 amp hour LifePO4 Lithium Owl batteries used in video https://bigbattery.com/products/12v-owl-lifepo4-170ah-2-176kwh/?ref=80 15% off 100 amp hour LifePO4 lithium Lion Energy Batteries https://lionenergy.com/discount/adventure?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Flion-safari-me%3Fafmc%3D9b Links For Full Moon Adventure Club Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fullmoonadv... Twitter https://twitter.com/fmadventureclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Fullmoonadve... Amazon Affiliate Link https://amzn.to/2YMmnQF Website https://fullmoonadventureclub.com Support Us On Patreon https://www.patreon.com/FullMoonAdven…