Orbi 4G LTE Router Review and Test - VS Verizon Mifi Jetpack
Is the Orbi worth the price? Let's find out. I will put the new Orbi 4G LTE up against my Verizon Jetpack hotspot and we will compare the results of several speed tests. Enjoy. UPDATE- After two months I had to replace the router due to a hardware issue causing constant disconnections. NetGear is replacing it but customer service was a nightmare. In total I spent at least 5 hours on hold over several troubleshooting calls before they replaced it. Love it when it works. Hate Netgear customer support. FYI :) You can get a Orbi featured in the video here https://amzn.to/34olRZP You can get a Weboost cell signal booster here https://weboost.referralrock.com/l/1JIMMILLER59/ Links For Full Moon Adventure Club Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fullmoonadv... Twitter https://twitter.com/fmadventureclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Fullmoonadve... Amazon Affiliate Link https://amzn.to/2YMmnQF Website https://fullmoonadventureclub.com Support Us On Patreon https://www.patreon.com/FullMoonAdven…